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Classica...Mente - Atti dell'Associazione di filosofia, lettere e arti

ISBN : 978 88 32193 14 5
Language: Italian
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Iniziative Editoriali Srl
Sales price 18,50 €
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Classica...Mente. Atti dell'Associazione di filosofia, lettere e arti - Anno 2

This year the issues were varied, but they focused again on certain points. It wided from the cultural expression of societies of different eras to philosophy, history, art and philosophical conceptions of ancient peoples. 
Classical art and culture took shape in the 1st Regional Conference, based on the figure of Filottete. 
Even this year, therefore, although the Association Classica…Mente has still faced many of the facets that humanistic culture foresees. Moreover, it is to be considered, that this year it has enriched itself with a Facebook page, opening to the newer communication channels. Through this page, the Sunday meetings were not only disclosed, even with short stories, summarizing the interventions of the various speakers and the pleasant convivial atmosphere that they were able to establish with the participants, but also, paintings and conjectures of painters were divulged, thoughts of ancient philosophers, through short articles, accompanied by videos or photos.


Tina Mansueto has worked with the archeological superintendence of Naples, Caserta and Pompeii. She was a Latin literature espert at University Suor Orsola Benincasa in Naples. For the University of Naples Federico II she published ‘Itinerari giubilari del 2000’ (Sant’Agata dei Goti e Sant’Anastasia). Moreover, she cooperates with the Pro Loco of Scalea and di Santa Domenica Talao (CS). She teaches History and Philosophy at high school and wrote many scientific articles, such as: 
- Osservazioni sull’Iconografia delle Nereidi, Latinam linguam profiteri, L’Artemide Bovianense, Culti e miti dei Safineis, De utilitate philosophiae. Ha curato per la Regione Campania ‘Casali e Chiese’ (2006).
For the Loffredo publishing house she wrote: 
– L’Ολπη di Cerveteri, per una rilettura iconografica (2006)
– Mostri e Nereidi, cavalcando il fantastico mare (2010)
– Lettura in chiave di sol (2011)
– Il Simposio dei filosofi, presocratici a confronto (2012)
– Immaginario simposio, dialoghi e intermezzi (2013)
For Paolo Loffredo Editore she wrote: 
– Verso Socrate, per una metodologia didattica della filosofia (2014)
– Viandante senza tempo (2014)
– Filottete, documenta et monumenta (2015)
– Biografie ragionate, filosofi medioevali e moderni (2016)
– Nicolas Poussin, il Rinascimento arcadico del XVII secolo (2016)
– Uomini-eroi, Filottete e Kitirami (2017)
– La tela d’altare della Chiesa di San Giuseppe (2017)
– Carnevale abbatte la tirannia, commedia in due atti (2018)

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