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“Verba manent” su platone e il linguaggio

ISBN: 978 88 940037 7 2
ISSN: 2611-3562
Language: Italian, Greek
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Iniziative Editoriali
Sales price 13,80 €
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“Verba manent” su platone e il linguaggio

I gather in this volume some of my recent essays on the Platonic philosophy of language. These are reports held at international conferences and therefore already published in the proceedings of those conferences. Because of their lack of availability in the original locations, in many cases abroad, I thought to bring them together to be easily accessible for students, scholars and simple readers. Their common thread is the very high interest that - for the entire duration of his life - Plato nourished for words: for their visual nature, so to speak immediately semantics; for the linguistic, rhetorical, grammatical and aesthetic questions, which never in the dialogues of Plato are specialized topics of this or that discipline, but always and only problems of philosophy. It is possible to explain this interest starting from an interpretation of the famous passage of the Phaedrus in which the philosopher pronounces his critique of writing. This step lends itself to starting from a unitary interpretation of the Platonic philosophy of language, because, in turn, it requires to be read against the background of the historical-cultural context in which it was conceived.


Lidia Palumbo teaches Ancient philosophy history at the University of Naples Federico II. She was a visiting professor in Santiago del Cile and in other Brazilian cities. She studies the presocratis philosophers, Plato and the platonic tradition. She published the following books: 
- “Trentadue ore di filosofia antica” (Napoli 2005), 
- “Mimesis. Rappresentazione, teatro e mondo nei dialoghi di Platone e nella Poetica di Aristotele” (Napoli 2008) .
And the following papers:
- “Socrate e la conoscenza di sé: per una nuova lettura di Alc. I 133a-c” (Bari 2010); 
- “Sobre a semantica da imagem nos diálogos platônicos” (San Paolo 2012);
- “Mimesis in the Sophist” (Berlin-Boston 2013), 
- “I mythoi scenografie dei logoi nell’antica letteratura greca” (Moliterno 2014), 
- “To mellon aphanes. Appunti sulla nozione antica di futuro “(Napoli 2014).
Moreover, she handled the volume “Logon didonai. La filosofia come esercizio del render ragione. Studi in onore di Giovanni Casertano” (Naples, 2011)

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