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L’opus contra naturam di Montale

ISBN: 978 88 32193 37 4
ISSN 2611-1470
Language: Italian
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl
Sales price 20,00 €
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L’opus contra naturam di Montale

The beginning of the Qohélet is about beginnings and the return of beginnings. The sun rises, sets and goes back to the place it rises from; the wind goes South and then turns to North; the rivers go back to the source, “revenrtuntur”. This is the archetype. The original code, the “logos”, the “anima mundi”, not getting lost in dispersion. It means going back to the elements, air, water, fire, earth. Time represented as the ouroboros snake, eating its own tail. Montale’s rivers are time made of water, thinking about itself, going back to the source before the right time. And if it is not the river, it is the eel dating the course. “Il mio fiume” by Ungaretti at the beginning is full of a word: “now”. It is repeated sixteen times, sometimes in uppercase. In the last part the word in “Saint”, also in uppercase. Poetry wants to be sacred in time.
The river flows from its source, which is an eternal tomorrow, as de Unamuno wrote in his sonnet LXXXVIII. Words run out in Word’s echo. This is the “contempus mundi”. The attraction to the archetype, the glorious shipwreck. Vanishing is therefore the venture of ventures.


Andrea Gareffi published: Il totale nella briciola. Montale critico letterario, in “Sincronie”, I, 1 (june 1997); La strofa circuita, e poi raggirata, in "Sincronie", III, 5 (january-june 1999); Montale. La casa dei doganieri, Roma, Studium, 2000 ( "Ossi di seppia" award 2000; Crotone award 2000); Segno dell’occaso, scena del mondo, in Miscellanea di studi in onore di Claudio Varese, with Giorgio Cerboni Baiardi, Manziana, Vecchiarelli, 2001; Montale, Dora Markus e La Casa dei doganieri, in AA. VV., Nel paese dei balocchi, with Simona Carvelli, Manziana, Vecchiarelli, 2002; I ritmi della mente di Montale, in "Sincronie", VII (january-june 2003), n. 13; Montale. La mosca, lui e i cani, in Proceedings Metaphysics 2009. 4th World Conference (Rome, November 5-7, 2009), edited by Paolo Zordan, David Murray, Robert Badillo, Montserrat Lafuente, Madrid, Fundación José Ortega y Gasset; Tra Luzi e Montale, botta e risposta, in “Poeti e Poesia”, n. 32, august 2014; Montale antinomico e metafisico, Firenze, Le Lettere, 2014.

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