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Galeota in Parnaso. Maschere, poesia e rivoluzione nella Napoli di fine Settecento

Author Fara Autiero

ISBN: 978 88 99306 26 7
ISSN 2611-1489
Language: Italian
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Iniziative Editoriali Srl
Sales price 7,30 €
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Galeota in Parnaso. Maschere, poesia e rivoluzione nella Napoli di fine Settecento

During the years that preceded the Neapolitan Republic of 1799, feelings of intolerance towards the politics of Ferdinand IV began to spread in the capital of the Bourbon Kingdom. This intolerance manifested itself in anonymous satirical librettos aimed at criticizing the ignorant "King Naso" or to exalt the figure of his consort Maria Carolina, more open to the enlightenment ideas that were spreading in Europe. One of these particular compositions is the Galeota in Parnassus, whose text and the events connected to it are reconstructed here, denying the opinion of the critics of the past century that wanted Ferdinando Galiani author of the irreverent pamphlet.


Fara Autiero got a master’s degree in Modern Philology at the University of Naples Federico II, with a thesis about Ferdinando Galiani and Luigi Serio’s writings. She focused on the comic aspects of Ferdinando Galiani’s production (Tra comico e arguto. Per un’analisi tecnica dello “spirito” in Ferdinando Galiani, «Critica letteraria», XLIII, 2015, n. 166, pp. 140-156) and is now focusing on the dialectal production in Naples between the XVII and XVIII centuries.

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