Bollettino di studi latini 2022 - Issue 1
Language: Italian
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl

Bollettino Di Studi Latini 2022 - Issue 1
Periodicity: six-monthly
International Peer-Reviewed Journal
The magazine publishes (in Italian, English, French, German and Spanish) philological and literary works concerning Latin cultural production, but also includes essays that take into consideration aspects and problems of Roman society, as well as techniques and ways related to the transmission of the past. The historical-cultural period in which we move is the traditional one (from the foundation of Rome to late antiquity), but occasional contributions are also received linked to works and authors of later periods as heirs or interpreters of the past.
But the real distinguishing feature of the magazine is the great attention paid to information: in fact, much space is given to the study reviews, the Chronicles of the conferences, the Reviews and bibliographic cards, as well as the reviews of the magazines and the bibliographic newsletter. It can be said that there is no cultural event or essay of a certain importance that is not reported and evaluated by experts: about a hundred are the scholars who collaborate on each issue. The magazine, which is published annually in two issues (in the months of June and December), for a total of about 1000 pages, is subject to the peer review procedure according to international standards.
The magazine is also available in digital format on
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Director responsible
G. Cupaiuolo
V. Viparelli
Executive committee
G. Arico, M. Armisen-Marchetti, G. Cupaiuolo, P. Fedeli, A. Ghiselli, G. Polara, K. Smolak, R. Tabacco, V. Viparelli.
Editorial board
A. Borgo, S. Condorelli, F. Ficca, M. Onorato