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L’Allegro carro dei Francescani

ISBN: 978 88 99306 15 1
Language: Italian, English
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Iniziative Editoriali Srl
Sales price 12,00 €
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Book preview

L'allegro carro dei Francescani

"L'Allegro carro dei francescani" is the eighteenth short novel of the author.
And it is a jump back in the past!
Between round tables and parties, at the time of the Middle Ages, we find the characters of this story: Amelio, the new Knight, his wife Cordelia, the villagers and the legendary friars who reappear from their mansion after a long period of hush.
July 31 is a historic day for the Knights Hill,it is the day where the fate of this community will be decided.
We are thus witnessing a true festival, in which the theater group of the Franciscans performs in a show full of moral ideas, which finds in its restless final a really shocking outcome.
After reading this masterpiece they will appreciate a lot more the festivals in the country and you will understand at last the great effort made to organize them.
And now let's enjoy the feast!


Geppino Iorio has published for the publishing house Loffredo: La collina dei Cavalieri – La quercia degli spiriti – Fino al ponte romano – Nunziatella Story: gesuiti, colonnelli e diavoli clandestini – Terzo millennio, Minosse ci salverà – A cena con il "federale" – Circe e Dolores all'ombra del rosso maniero – L'eroe ebreo di una piazzetta d’Italia – La nuova collina dei Cavalieri – Due passi in paradiso – Il sogno di Bartolomeo – La taverna dell'egiziano – Le testimonianze di Arden – I topi di Argentania – Ardente triangolo d'amore.
He also published three poetry volumes: E fummo tutti Ulisse a primavera – Le farfalle non leggono i giornali – Il cavallo ferito.

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