Classica…Mente. Atti dell’associazione di filosofia, lettere e arti - Year 5
Language: Italian
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Iniziative Editoriali Srl

Classica…Mente. Atti dell’associazione di filosofia, lettere e arti - Year 5
After a year of stagnation, due to the effects of the past pandemic, the fifth volume of Classica... Mente is finally seeing the light. In previous texts, published during these years, we had highlighted how, despite the difficult period, we had managed to face the profound socio-communicative crisis. Perhaps we were under the illusion that the effects of the social blockade would have spared us, thanks also to the switching live dating to online dating.
In reality, the subsequent and desired resumption of social, economic and other types of activities has generated a sort of boomerang effect, prompting most to devote themselves to everything that had been set aside during the pandemic period...