fb01 lnk01 

Culture, comunicazione, resilienza - la società tra rischi, crisi ed emergenze

ISSN 2723-9500
ISBN 979-12-81068-36-0
Language: Italian
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Editore Srl
Sales price 21,50 €
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Culture, comunicazione, resilienza
La società tra rischi, crisi ed emergenze

Risk, crisis and emergency are three terms that in everyday life we often tend to include in the single term "emergency", but in everyday reality, they are different because they refer to very specific events (with their specificity) and are also communicated differently and, therefore,
they present themselves with distinct cultural characteristics.
In this book, divided into four chapters, these three concepts will be addressed by examining their properties, differences and manifestations along their sociocultural dimension also explained through the analysis of the communicative universe that characterizes them.
A first part will address the definitional problem from a strictly sociological perspective and the sociocultural dynamics associated with these three concepts. In it, we highlight how these concepts are culturally constructed and respond to events through actions, practices, processes and methods based on the understanding of the situations of uncertainty that arise from time to time. Subsequently, we analyze the elements that characterize the communication and information process in the three concepts and how these processes influence the creation of differentiated cultural models.
This last process constitutes the central element to concretely allow the creation of a clear culture of analysis, management and knowledge of these phenomena. To better accompany the reader in his in-depth analysis, this part is also supported by the examination of case studies that are presented in the third chapter. The last part examines the dimensions of social security and resilience, defining the two terms and observing the forms and methods of social and cultural response to the three phenomena by the communities involved starting from the examples proposed.
The book, as a whole and in extreme synthesis, first analyzes the cultural process of risk, crisis and emergency starting from their sociological definition, then the communicative approach and, finally, also with the support of case studies, the role of the community in creating a culture of resilience and managing such events through the implementation of social security systems.


Francesca Cubeddu, PhD in Educational and Social Theory and Research at the University of Roma Tre, is currently a research fellow at the Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies (IRPPS) of the National Research Council (CNR) and previously at the University of Roma Tre. You are a contract professor of supplementary teaching relating to the teaching of "Sociology of cultural processes" at the University of Salerno. She is the winner of the Pareto Prize for Sociology 2020 (University of Perugia, Italy).
Member of various national and international research groups, since 2022 she has been a member of the international research team of the Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (Brazil) and in 2017 she was Visiting Researcher at the Gemass CNRS Research Institute, Paris (France ). You have carried out collaborative activities with universities, trade unions, research bodies and organisations of the third sector. Among her latest publications: Social justice and inequality in Italy: Towards a Culture of Sustainable Well-being, in Baikady R. et al. (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems. (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023).

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