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Così parlò l’Eremita

ISBN: 987 88 99306 64 9
Language: Italian
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Iniziative Editoriali Srl
Sales price 10,00 €
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Così parlò l’Eremita

This is the image you get while reading Geppino Iorio’s book. He took on the hard challenge of mixing ancient and recent myths, handling it splendidly.
The characters from the ancient myths come back in the world of the characters from new myths, creating a “different novel”. So, there is a new Dante in a new trip with a new Virgilio. He meets Dedalo, Ulysses, Antigone, Cassandra, Apollo and so on, including Leonardo da Vinci, Marco Polo and even Che Guevara, Vettel, Hamilton, Marilyn Monroe… The myths become reality, historical event, “history and life”.


With the Loffredo publishing house the author published: 
– La collina dei Cavalieri 
– La quercia degli spiriti 
– Fino al ponte romano
– Nunziatella Story: gesuiti, colonnelli e diavoli clandestini 
– Terzo millennio, Minosse ci salverà 
– A cena con il “federale” 
– Circe e Dolores all’ombra del rosso maniero 
– L’eroe ebreo di una piazzetta d’Italia 
– La nuova collina dei Cavalieri 
– Due passi in paradiso 
– Il sogno di Bartolomeo 
– La taverna dell’egiziano 
– Le testimonianze di Arden 
– I topi di Argentania 
– Ardente triangolo d’amore. 
Morevoerm he published three poetry collections: 
– E fummo tutti Ulisse a primavera 
– Le farfalle non leggono i giornali 
– Il cavallo ferito.

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