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φιλοσοφικὴ σκέψις - Series of texts and studies of ancient philosophy

Series of studies and text regarding ancient philosophy
ISSN 2611-3562
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Published volumes

verba manent  fedoneo dell anima  antica discordia  eredita platonica

il corpo del dialogo  i proverbi di platone  il platonismo di erminia  Platone e la questione della virtu 2

The texts published in the series are subjected to a peer review process which certifies their scientific validity.

φιλοσοφικὴ σκέψις. Collana di testi e studi di filosofia antica

Paolo Loffredo, continues the publishing business, undertakes a new cultural adventure and proposes to resume the series of ancient philosophy that, with the name of σκέψις, has operated for a long time, obtaining numerous and qualified awards in Italy and outside of Italy. The volumes published in that series, twenty-six, deepened in particular philosophical problems from the Orphic to the Presocratic and to Plato, but they also explored Aristotelian, Epicurean, Plotinian, Gnostic and Augustinian themes. It can be said, however, that most of the volumes focus on Plato, whose philosophical perspectives, which never cease to interest and challenge contemporary hermeneutical intelligence, have been examined from different points of view and also very differentiated.
Not by chance, therefore, the new series, which we have called φιλοσοφικὴ σκέψις, always directed by Giovanni Casertano and Lidia Palumbo, opens with two volumes still dedicated to Plato by the two co-directors. The first, by Lidia Palumbo, collects a set of essays on Plato and language; the second, edited by Casertano, is a new commented and annotated translation by the Fedone. Will follow the volumes of young scholars, but already well started in research.
We sincerely hope that φιλοσοφικὴ σκέψις will meet the same benevolent reception of the previous series and that the initiative of the Editor and of the curators will meet the support and collaboration of philosophical scholars and those who care about the fate of this discipline.

Giovanni Casertano e Lidia Palumbo

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