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La terza Pagina

La terza Pagina
ISSN 2611-2779
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Published Volumes

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The texts published in the series are subjected to a peer review process which certifies their scientific validity.

La terza Pagina

The series publishes the texts born within and beyond the Italian Research Center on Literature and Journalism "La Terza pagina " (CIRLeG), which arises from the ashes of the previous that was worth Interuniversity Research Center on Literature and Journalism, founded by Raffaele Giglio at the University Federico II, with the University of Salerno and L'Orientale di Napoli in 2005 and closed in 2013. Who wants to know the history of that Center can read the Premise to the volume of the proceedings of the Conference "C’era una volta la Terza pagina", Florence, Cesati, 2015. The Center is open to all Italian scholars working in and outside Universities, who are interested in research on the relationship between literature and journalism. It has its own computer site at the address: cirleg.it.
The new CIRLeG "La Terza pagina " was officially born, thanks also to the solicitations of the colleagues Pasquale Guaragnella and Aldo Maria Morace, with whom I wanted to start this new series of volumes included in a collection, which preserves the ancient denomination, as a wish for a new fruitful work.

Raffaele Giglio

Raffaele Giglio, Pasquale Guaragnella, Aldo Maria Morace.

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