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Atti del XX Certamen Vergilianum – Giornata di studi virgiliani

ISBN: 978 88 99306 56 4
Language: Italian, Latin
Publisher: Paolo Loffredo Iniziative Editoriali Srl
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Atti del XX Certamen Vergilianum. Giornata di studi virgiliani

The publication of the Proceedings of the Virgil Studies Day annexed to the XX Certamen Vergilianum of the Liceo "G.B. Vico "in Nocera Inferiore opens under the banner of a sad news, that of the death of Francesco Fasolino, former Dean of this high school and then a long central Inspector, which took place on 9 June 2016. The event was unfortunately expected and it was he felt that he was incumbent during the course of the Certamen and the Study Day, to which, for the first time, and not for concomitant commitments, the Prof. Fasolino was missed. His absence was noticeable, because all those who had taken part over the years, to this initiative, had always found in him an indispensable reference point and knew they could count on his unfailing enthusiasm and on the deep attachment to "his" high school. Despite this serious loss, also for this year it has been possible to guarantee the regular running of an event that has now reached its twentieth anniversary.
For the success of Certamen we must thank the Headmaster, Prof. Teresa De Caprio and Prof. Maurizio Grimaldi. For the Study Day, it should be given credit to university colleagues, who this year have generously given their willingness to animate a morning of work focused, as always, on Virgil.
The participants, once again, have aimed, on the one hand, to keep up the scientific level, on the other, and opportunely, have endeavored to present communications able to reach a vast and non-homogeneous public, focusing on the centrality of the text and on his interdisciplinary reading and cutting also didactically effective.
With the achievement of the goal of the twentieth year of this event, while we can rightly assume that by now this initiative has consolidated, confirming, over time, a plant and a level always high and constant, a further leap in quality is required. In fact, as already desired at the time of publication of the previous issue, the time has now come for the establishment of an official scientific committee, which manages both the Certamen and the Day according to the most accredited scientific and excellence parameters adopted by now widely in scholastic and university, as well as being implemented a series of protocols aimed at giving greater visibility to this initiative, through the signing of an agreement between the high school and the University of Salerno and thanks to the patronage of high-profile cultural organizations and of consolidated tradition.
The preparation of this dossier and the revision of the printing tests are the work of Professors Maurizio Grimaldi, Nicola Lanzarone and Valentino D'Urso.

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